Tuesday, October 11, 2005

To Pledge or Not To Pledge

There has been a lot of ink spilled in the last few weeks over a recent court ruling on the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance. It seems that the two words "under God" have generated a lot of heat between secularists and religious believers. Both sides claim dire consequences for the public life of the nation if the wording is or is not removed.

It seems to me, however, that there is a larger issue concerning the Pledge of Allegiance that deserves our careful consideration. A pledge is an oath, and the taking of oaths, in my opinion, is a very serious matter. I am not opposed to the idea of oath-taking. What I question is the assumption that having children recite an oath on a daily basis in taxpayer-funded schools is always proper, right, or wise. To be fair, I grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in the various public schools that I attended, and I never gave this action much thought. It was just something that students did at the start of each school day, at football games, or at school assemblies. This daily occurrence in my early life did not turn me into a brain-washed citizen who blindly trusts the government. There is no doubt that one of the goals of public education is to produce a citizenry that makes positive contributions to the country for the good of the society. It is not unreasonable for that educational goal to include the inculcation of loyalty and duty to one's country.

Yet, because of the serious nature of oaths, I think it might be prudent to think through exactly what is being pledged. Words mean one thing and not another, so the wording of an oath is very important. When a person covers their heart and recites the Pledge, they are binding themselves to do that which they pledge. However, does the wording of the Pledge convey truth? Are the things to which a person pledges himself true? Is the united States of America a republic? Is this one nation? Is this a nation under God? Is this nation indivisible? Is liberty and justice available to all of the citizens? These are debatable questions which are capable of sustaining more than one answer, depending upon the perceptions and perspectives of those who think this or that about the questions. Are the political qualities numerated in the Pledge always desirable? Does this pledge function as an ideal to which the citizens promise to aspire? Or does it function as a statement of being; an assertion of current reality?

However one answers the questions, the missing piece seems to be the lack of understanding of the binding character of an oath. When a person takes an oath, he is binding himself to something he believes is greater than his own life. He is taking on a promise to behave and act a certain way toward something or someone, for which the breaking of that promise is serious and has tangible conseqences. The act of taking an oath also assumes that the thing or person to whom the oath-taker binds himself can fulfill its or his side of the bargain. Given the current voracious nature of modern government, I doubt that it is wise or prudent to swear allegiance to that same government. Such a government is happy to have its citizens' loyalty, it is can also easily take everything else from the citizen too.

As a Christian, I believe that an oath, a vow, or a pledge--they are the same things--is to be taken only for the most momentous and important aspects of life. My marriage vows are sacred because I pledged myself to my wife before God, who will judge me for my failure to keep that vow. My oath as a parent to raise my children in the Christian covenant given to them at their baptisms is just as momentous, for my pledge to God affects the eternal souls of my children. If the civil magistrate asks me to take an oath of honesty in any court matter, I am obliged to speak truthfully, because I have promised to do so in God's name. When it comes to pledging allegiance to political ideals or political realities, I doubt that the gravity is quite the same. The character of nations change. History is repleat with the rise and fall of nations who began with virtue and ended with corruption. There is every indication that the unique and virtuous character of our original constitutional republic has passed away.

Now, I am not willing to prevent the practice of the Pledge on a voluntary basis. Any principled commitment to liberty for oneself and other requires a great measure of tolerance (not in the politically correct meaning of that word, but in its original virtuous meaning). However, given the sensitive nature of the young, who always seek approval and to please those in authority, expecting a child of a dissenter to refrain from reciting the Pledge without tacit retaliation from peers, teachers, or others is naive. Is there a place for the taking of this Pledge? Perhaps. In the classroom everyday? I am not certain.


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Doug said...

Your emphasis on the nature and seriousness of oaths is very good. This is another problem; having children recite pledges and take oaths with no or minimal knowledge of their fundamental meaning and importance. Much of this goes with knowledge of Biblical covenantalism, which suffered severe setback over the last couple of generations or more. Perhaps by God's grace our children, who know far more about covenant than we did at their age, will continue to grow in their knowledge of God's covenant in Christ and its application to all of life; particularly their churches, marriages, families, businesses, and including loyalty to their civil citizenship and how it is expressed. May God help us fathers turn our hearts to our children.


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